We meet again 👋



I am a UX Designer and Illustrator born in India and currently based in Seattle, Washington. Curiosity is what drives me. Ever since I was a kid, I had a character of raising questions and striving to find their answers. This interest insisted I take a master's in Human-Centered Design and Engineering from the University of Washington and a Bachelor's in Human-Computer Interaction from IITG. I've spent over five years refining my expertise and approach to UX design.

While I am enthusiastic about exploring all the dimensions of the multi-faceted world of design, I am passionate about designing technology to benefit specially-abled people and create sustainable learning experiences. I wish to pursue a research-based career along with the conjunction of design, technology, and society, and I yearn to do my bit as a designer to make a world of difference.

Apart from this, I like to engage in outdoor activities and have represented my college in swimming. Since childhood, I’ve had a passion for dance and music. I am also an avid traveler and a fitness enthusiast. I love visiting new places, making new friends, and capturing the world through my lens.

Interested in collaborating, or want to chat about my work?
Feel free to drop me an email @ haasinisai01@gmail.com

Wish to speak with me

Reach me at haasinisai01@gmail.com
